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Fan Summit Comes to Town

May 21 , 2020

The nine athletic directors in the Suburban East Conference are committed to promoting a sportsmanship initiative to help improve the behavior in the stands at our athletic events. As fans enter every contest at Park, they will notice a sandwich board with the major components of this new initiative.

Last week the conference held a sportsmanship summit as part of this project. Each school sent its “SuperFans” to Cretin-Derham Hall High School to meet with each other to discuss how we can improve sportsmanship at our events.

The first topic was “above the line and below the line” behaviors. Our co-curricular activities are an extension of the classroom, and we want the students in the stands to treat it that way. The students from the different schools also discussed traditions that each school has (don’t walk on the Indian!) and different stereotypes about the students from their own school as well as the other conference schools. Finally, the students themselves came up with a list of what they thought was acceptable to do at games and a list of what they felt is not acceptable. One result of the get-together was that the students at all of the schools realized that despite what school they go to or what color they paint their face, each of them was actually a lot alike.

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